Our team offers overall service, legal assistance, counselling, and legal representation to clients seeking our professional assistance in the field of corporate law, as well as those who would to resolve their disputes in the field of bond relations, property law, intellectual property and competition, labour law, administrative and tax law, as well we provide legal representation on the above.
Notwithstanding the fact that, as a result of our long-standing experience, we successfully bring together the consultancy work with an excellent practice in the field of court cases’ resolution, what differentiates our professional activity is our strong belief that the most profitable solution for our customers is the out-of-court dispute resolution.
Thus, we have focused our efforts on building and operationalizing individual strategies and a purely personalized approach, in order to maximize the satisfactory outcome for each of our clients, without reaching legal proceedings.
The provided services include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
• Registration of merchants and commercial companies, branches, representative offices of foreign companies;
• Conversion of commercial companies;
• Preparation of all types of commercial contracts;
• Conclusion, amendment and termination of commercial transactions;
• Legal analysis of the commercial companies’ business activity;
• Drafting and/or contracts’ reconciliation;
• Drafting of documents for the trading activity’ s purposes;
• Recordal of changes in the Commercial Register;
• Non-performance of contractual obligations;
• Repayment of commercial and legal obligations;
• Assignments of claims for payments;
• Commercial collateral;
• Subscription-based legal services for trading companies;
• Initiation of legal proceedings, legal representation and defense on commercial proceedings;
• Legal representation in insolvency proceedings;
• Assistance and drafting of the necessary documentation relating to the Anti-Money Laundering Act, the Personal Data Protection Act, the Public Procurement Act, etc.
• Counselling and representation in labor disputes, workforce reductions, dismissal, reinstatement and compensation due;
• Counselling related to developments in labor law triggered by a changing public and social environment;
• Legal cooperation in disputes arising out of compensation claimed as a result of an accident at work.
• Consultations and actions in the pre-application phase of trademarks, geographical indications and industrial designs;
• Processing of applications for copyright documents for trademarks, geographical indications and industrial designs;
• Legal representation before the competent Bulgarian and international institutions related to aroused disputes and the necessity for protection at any stage of the registration proceedings.
• Consultancy and legal representation in appeals against any kind of administrative decisions, penal orders, fines applied and sanctions;
• Representation before the Consumer Protection Commission, the Commission for protection of competition, the Commission for Protection against Discrimination, the Commission for personal data protection, etc.;
• Assistance and representation before the administrative bodies in cases arising under the Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria Act, Bulgarian Identity Documents Act, Bulgarian Citizenship Act and others.
• Counselling and representation in labor disputes, workforce reductions, dismissal, reinstatement and compensation due;
• Counselling related to developments in labor law triggered by a changing public and social environment;
• Legal cooperation in disputes arising out of compensation claimed as a result of an accident at work.
• Legal advice in civil matters, drafting opinions and attending negotiations for aroused dispute resolution;
• Legal representation and remedy in the conduct of civil litigation;
• Legal representation in judicial enforcement proceedings, undertaking of all actions necessary for the debtor’s defense;
• Drawing up any type of civil-law contracts.
• Counselling and representation in contractual and property law cases;
• Drafting of preliminary contracts, notarial deeds, powers of attorney, certificates, invitations and assistance before notaries;
• Real estate research and preparation of purchase and sale documentation;
• Assistance and participation in carrying out real estate transactions;
• Assistance in any cases arising in connection with the Property Act, the Obligations and Contracts Act, the Condominium Act, etc.
• Drafting of matrimonial contracts;
• Counselling on family law and inheritance law matters;
• Divorce, any matrimonial claims (custody, maintenance allowances, etc.);
• Division of property – judicial and out-of-court settlement;
• Claims for a larger share of the acquired during the marriage property.
Our aim is to meet as much as possible the real needs of our customers – owners of small and medium-sized enterprises. We work with passion, professionalism and honesty to offer adequate and applicable approaches in the specific organization for optimizing results and for more effective human capital management. The benefits of these actions are resulting in reduction of owners’ costs, personal efforts and time. The aim is to meet the essential owners’ interests, namely: increase the companies’ financial efficiency and increase of their leisure time.
Our advantages are a flexible model of working with customers, as well as an innovative and fully customized approach to the needs and problems of the individual company.
We work together with the customers from the beginning to the process’ end.
In this regard, our specialized complex services that we provide to our business customers include the following:
1. Complex diagnostic of the company’ s business processes and drafting proposals for their optimization*;
2. Counselling and setting up a company’s organizational system;
3. Drawing up any contracts with the aim of optimizing and protecting the rights and legitimate interests of the commercial company;
4. Counselling and organizing the employment relationships in the company;
5. Protection of the company's intellectual property;
6. Timely consultation and resolution of ongoing cases;
7. Participation of a lawyer and/or consultant during conducting business meetings;
8. Legal representation in court proceedings;
9. Representation before administrative bodies;
10. Assistance for accounting and financial counselling.
* The diagnostics of the company’s business processes represent a complex process aimed to identify the strengths and weaknesses in the organizational model. Our experience showed that often, companies seeking solution to a specific problem lack clarity on where to focus their efforts so that their actions do not disrupt basic business processes and activities. Diagnostics should identify weaknesses as in the general management process, as well and in ensuring operational implementation. Professionally performed, the evaluation of the organization’ s overall picture is a critical moment for change implementation. A precise and clear picture of the current state of the structure, policies, activities and processes makes it possible to fine-tune what and how it needs to be amended in order to maintain the image and improve the company business performance.
В работата си с клиенти прилагаме гъвкав персонализиран подход, насочен към дефиниране на потребностите и решаване на проблемите на конкретната организация.
При подготовка за сертифициране консултираме клиентите си и оказваме помощ при разработване на системи за управление и интегрирани системи за управление по следните стандарти, въпросници и признати схеми:
1. ISO 9001:2015 Системи за управление на качеството;
2. ISO 14001:2015 Системи за управление по отношение на околната среда;
3. ISO 45001:2018 Системи за управление на здравето и безопасността при работа;
4. ISO 22000:2018 Системи за управление на безопасността на хранителни продукти. Изисквания към всяка организация в хранителната верига;
5. ISO/IEC 27001:2017 Системи за управление на сигурността на информацията;
6. ISO 37001:2016 Системи за управление за борба с подкупването;
7. ISO 50001:2018 Системи за управление на енергията;
8. GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance – стандарт за осигуряване на безопасността на фуражите по веригата на доставки (консултиране по всички технически спецификации на стандарта);
9. EFISC-GTP (Good trading practices) – Европейска схема за сертифициране за безопасност на фуражите и хранителните съставки
10. SQAS (Safety & Quality Assessment for Sustainability)
11. Статут на Одобрен икономически оператор (ОИО) и свързаните с това опростени митнически опростявания.
12. Консултантски услуги за организационна диагностика и оптимизиране на процеси;
13. Консултантски услуги за управление в условията на кризи;
14. Консултантски услуги за непрекъснатост на бизнеса (Business Continuity);
15. Консултантски услуги спрямо Регламент 2016/679 (GDPR) и Закона за защита на личните данни;
16. Онлайн и присъствени обучения по споменатите стандарти, схеми и регламенти.
Сертификационни услуги по стандарти (без Сърбия и Македония):
1. ISO 9001:2015 Системи за управление на качеството;
2. ISO 14001:2015 Системи за управление по отношение на околната среда;
3. ISO 45001:2018 Системи за управление на здравето и безопасността при работа;
4. ISO 22000:2018 Системи за управление на безопасността на хранителни продукти. Изисквания към всяка организация в хранителната верига;
5. ISO/IEC 27001:2017 Системи за управление на сигурността на информацията;
6. ISO 37001:2016 Системи за управление за борба с подкупването;
7. ISO 50001:2018 Системи за управление на енергията;
8. GMP+ за всички технически спецификации от стандарта (от TS 1.1 до TS 1.11);
9. Извършване на оценка по SQAS.